Is Tekken 8 Worth It Review

Is Tekken 8 Worth It? Review

Tekken is one of the oldest fighting games which has helped it get close to perfection and now we are at Tekken 8. Striving towards perfection is a good thing but it is also a challenge since each new game has to be better than the previous. Each new game leaves little room for perfection, making it hard for the new game in the series to be an amazing experience. A new Tekken game has to add something new while sticking close to the foundation that made the previous game such a great experience.

The challenge of sticking close to the foundation and bringing something new is the major issue for the series. It should feel like the game is new even if the foundation remains the same. Developers meet this challenge head-on by introducing an improved fighting style that is focused on aggression. The base game has thirty-two different characters and they don’t feel like a drag. The online experience is solid and can be considered one of the best experiences in fighting games.

It can be considered the biggest Tekken game content-wise, the game is massive. Fighting games are dominated by 2D games. It is one of the few 3D games but it delivers a rock-solid experience. Each character has more than 100 moves, different stances, special inputs, and unique mechanics. The game does not simplify it but rather moves alongside it. That is when the game starts to shine. All this makes you wonder, is Tekken 8 worth It? Let’s find out.

What It Offers

The game offers amazing tutorials and different practice settings. Being a beginner means that you just started playing or you can be just a beginner to this new entry, whichever is the case the game will cater to both. It is one of the most friendly Tekken games to date. It is now less complex but it does a good job of teaching. The amount of things you get to do is impressive, to say the least. Tekken 7 lacked some stuff but this game is packed with offline features that will keep you busy.

The online mode is a huge improvement over the previous game. There is a great amount of extra stuff but the thing that really matters in a fighting game is the combat. Combat of Tekken 8 is amazing. It was the most fun I had for the series in a while. Attacks have good feedback and fighting is hard-hitting.

The new mechanism adds another layer of depth to the game. Each match feels exciting and does not feel dragged down. All the additions added to the game are ambitious because the series has survived by staying the same. It’s a bold move for the series but I would say that all the changes are for the better. It is easy to recommend this game for fighting game fans.


The base game has 32 fighters and 3 of them are new. More characters will be added through DLCs in the future. There is also a new combat mechanic added to the game known as Heat Mode. The story mode is a cinematic experience that is known as The Dark Awakens. Fight Lounge is for online mode. There is even a full adventure mode known as Arcade Quest. To top it all off, there are tons of customization to customize the fighters, your avatar for the Quest mode, and  Fight Lounge. Tekken Ball is back from the Tekken 3. Oh, all the nostalgia and memories that stem from Tekken Ball.

The roster of 32  characters might not seem massive for a Tekken game but the fighters we got are solid. Fighters contain some new characters and old characters that players have fallen in love with over the years. The styling of the characters has been given deep thought to make each character feel unique, stand out, and give them a reason to be there. The existence of a character in the game is justified this time around.

The Fights

At times, some fighters can feel the same which can be a problem since the movement is fast in Tekken 8. This can be especially evident in new characters. The amount of new characters is small but they are fun to play as. The three new characters a Victor, Azucena, and Reina. These characters are unique and can become the next favorite for some players. Victor is easy to play due to his less complex moves. Azucena is more complex with stances and all that. Reina is something in between with Heihachi like fighting style. All new characters are awesome

These characters don’t feel out of place like the rest of the characters. Everyone has new upgrades and these characters are new to the game so they fit right in. A lot of it comes from a Heat Meter that is located under your health meter. Every character starts with it being full. You can use it through Heat Engager move or Heat Burst both of which give you a major gameplay advantage.

When you are in heat mode you can use more powerful moves or dash which will help you get close to the opponents. You can also use a powerful attack called Heat Smash in Tekken 8. The Heat Meter only lasts for 10 to 15 seconds. Despite lasting for a short time, it can have a major impact on the outcome of a match. It can be a lot for new players but once you get the hang of it, it feels good.

Dynamics of Combat

Each character has different special moves when they activate the Heat Meter. Heat Meter mechanics make fights more complex. It changes how players approach combat for the better. In fighting games defense works in your favor. Tekken 8 changes that dynamic by introducing the Heat Meter. Once you activate the Heat Meter, you can damage your opponents even when they are blocking. In a sense, the game rewards you for aggressiveness.

You can also recover the damage you have taken but only if you attack or play aggressively. This can change the result of the match. I mean you can be dead and will recover half of your health which can turn the outcome of a battle. It is all about skill, if you are good at the game you can turn around a match. There is stuff that can change how players approach combat.

Combat is fun, fast, and hard-hitting. Even if you are a bad player, the game is still fun unless you absolutely hate fighting games but you wouldn’t be here if you did.  Just mash buttons and eventually, you will figure out stuff that will get you in the mode.

General Gameplay

In terms of looks, this is the best that the series has looked. This much should be obvious since it is a game for 9th gen consoles. Both the environment and character look amazing. It is a good good-looking game with fast loading time. In the customization menu, a preview of the change you want to make will get you into the loading screen. I don’t know why this is slow when normal loading is fast in Tekken 8.


For offline gameplay, there is so much stuff to keep you busy. Cinematic story mode is a huge improvement over the last Tekken game. The Dark Awakens is Mortal Kombat like story mode. It goes deep in the lore from the get-go. If you are new to Tekken then some of it might slip past. It’s not as long which could have been bad if it was all that offline mode was offering. It mixes cinematics with combat. The presentation put it on the list of top fighting games. I mean it is fighting so you cannot just expect a story-driven narrative from it. Tekken 6 has a good story as a fighting game and gets the job done.

Along with the main story, there are also episodic character stories. Just complete five fights and you will get a special ending scene for each character. These are the goofy CGI Tekken endings that we have been seeing since the beginning of the series. Some of these endings can take goofiness to another level. These endings can even go into the realm of strangeness.

Not all of the endings are insane but some of them are goofy and lighthearted. They are not necessary to complete but if you are a fan of Tekken, then it is really fun to complete. There is a limit to how much this kind of stuff you can take before it starts to go sour and Tekken 8 gives you the right amount of it.

Beyond Tutorial

Arcade Quest is the offline mode. Think of it as a simpler version of Street Fighter Arcade Mode. You create an Avatar and explore virtual arcades. It feels like a part of the tutorials. After teaching you about new game mechanics, the game will show you recommended moves. It is a good mode to have some fun in and does a good job of introducing players to new mechanics.

Avatars are little cartoony things that look fun running around and playing Tekken games. The actual game mode is fun so Avatars are just an afterthought at this point in Tekken 8.

The last offline mode is Super Ghost Battle. The opponents you face in this mode are based on the player’s data. They fight like a real player, at least compared to the normal AI opponents. It is a character based on your fighting style, so it can help you work on your weaknesses.

The game also allows you to jump specific fight sequences to help you face these moves. It will even offer you tips to better understand the situation. It will let you know what you are doing wrong and how you should respond to certain attacks. Super Ghost Battle is an amazing mode that helps you get good at the game.

Tekken 8 Online

At launch, online play had issues but that has been improved significantly through updates. Fight Lounge is a fun way to find new players and mess around. Overall the online options available are much better than the previous game.

Verdict (Is Tekken 8 Worth It?)

Tekken 8 had to go beyond the previous games in the series. To do that developers have made several changes that made it better. It is the same fighting game as we remembered with a lot more stuff added to it. It retains the caliber of Tekken games while also presenting something fresh.

The new mechanics have changed the game in the sense that it has become more aggressive. Aggressiveness is rewarded which will entice players to take risks. It could be the most aggressive Tekken game ever made.

The new mods and customization options are fun. The clothing looks good which makes the customization even better. Online mode seems good and the game has the potential to be better in the long run. There are so many offline options which makes it a lot better. Once you start to play offline, it is insanely good. Online is what keeps the fighting game running I hope it gets better at that.

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