The Journey in the unknown continues with Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. It is a highly anticipated continuation of the Final Fantasy remake. Just like the previous, it does justice to the original game. In a lot of ways, it improves upon all that the previous entry offered. The first game set a high bar and this second one blows it off with all that it offers.
It not only improves upon the first game but adds stuff that makes it far superior to the first one. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is based upon the original but it adds stuff that makes it an interesting experience. It has an ambitious open-world design that combines with amazing gameplay to provide a spectacular experience. Rebirth is a massive game with lots of combat and the combat is not boring so players will happily come back for more.
It retains the polished presentation of the first game and adds stuff for the better. In some aspects, the game brings it up a notch. It is an excellent RPG that gives a lot more RPG feeling than the previous one. The Remake is still good but Rebirth adds so much that one can only think about Rebirth as a better version. All this makes you wonder, is Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth worth it? Let’s find out.
The Beginnings
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth continues where the previous game left off. It starts with flashback segments. The whole opening sequence is character-driven and has a decent pace. There are a lot of nooks and crannies to explore. It runs on two modes on the console and looks great on both modes. Character models are detailed and one can notice how good the environment looks. It is not only surprisingly accurate but its layout is great as well. The layout is well-designed and full of personality. It feels good to experience the scenes from the original in a new light.
The story perspective hits a lot of highs despite having less story projection than the previous game. It is mostly about going from one place to another and following guys in black robes. It is good with characters and introduces new elements to keep things intriguing. The game does a good job of reintroducing characters such as Barret, Tifa, and Aerith. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth does a good job of making these characters more likable and interesting. It cranks it up with dialogues between different party members.
There are some funny scenes that play out throughout the game in different parts. The new characters add to the humor. The voice acting is good and it remains good throughout the game. Everyone has a lot more to do and the game reaches a high level of goofiness from time to time. It takes the comedic aspect of the original and cranks it up to a new level. It is good to see that developers are having fun with the characters rather than just delivering a simple story.
The Open World
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is not a complete open-world game but rather multiregional. However, each one of these regions is quite big and can be compared to an open-world map. The combination of all these makes up one gigantic area to explore.
Once you get to chapter two, that’s when you get to experience the open world of the game. You can change your party freely with each available character. It lets you fully explore the town and complete side quests. It takes a more fun and creative approach to keep the game interesting. You can hunt for different hot spots that are spread throughout the map. Each of these hot spots will earn you intel experience. The map looks incredibly good and pretty much every town is quite detailed.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth creates some of the most beautiful fantasy worlds. There are multiple areas where you can just stand and look at the scenery. There are a variety of good locations that range from ruins to deserts to tropical paradise to lavish shopping malls and so on. The visual verity here is staggering. Even though it is not a giant continuous world, each zone is massive on its own.
There is a lot of stuff to do in these areas which can be overwhelming if you are a completionist. Doing everything is not required and you can pass stuff if you choose. All of it is connected to the Intel system which you can collect around the world. It enables you to unlock new combat moves.
There is a type of currency you can earn to exchange for Materia. Unlocking Materia is good because it gives you access to more stuff. Completing side activities and collecting stuff can be essential since it gives you Intel. Junctions of weapons can also unlock new spells.
Music doesn’t fall behind, there are tracks and some remixing of the old tracks. The music feels good and stands out as it improves upon the iconic music that we have come to love. Music is not just good, there is so much of it and all of it feels right on the spot.
Activities In the World
Some of the open-world stuff is really repetitive. There are towers to climb, special monsters to hunt, and crystals to scan. These are the types of activities that feel like if you do one then you have done all of them because they are all the same since there are no variations.
Climbing ledges or climbing in general has issues. It can get awkward finding climbing places and not knowing whether a place is climbable or not. Sometimes you won’t be able to jump to a spot that seems like you can jump down to. Other times, you can get stuck in the environment in awkward ways. There is no jump button which makes it funky and replaces fun with frustration.
Certain open-world activities do mix up things. These activities can range from catching, Chocobo to doing mini-games and many other types of activities. Chocobo has different abilities depending on the region. There are classified hunts in each region. In these hunts, you fight a unique boss enemy.
The standard open-world quests are known as Protorelic missions. You can go around collecting these treasures that have unique stories attached to them. Sometimes these quests will introduce mini-dungeons or will have you play through mini-games. It is always fun to hunt down these treasures. Some of these open-world activities can be repetitive as you do more of them. Overall the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is way better.
Mini Games
You will constantly be introduced to mini-games, special events, and dungeons. Dungeon mechanics will mix up the party formation. If you love mini-games then you will love Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. There are so many of them that it will be hard to list all of them. Some of these mini-games are basic ones and some are advanced.
One such mini-game is the Queen’s Blood card game. It is a fun and fast card game that is not too complicated and it does not bog things down. Queen’s Blood is not just a side activity and there are points in the story where you can play them. The game will not punish you for skipping them or failing them. You are never forced to be successful in the card game. Queen’s Blood does show up more compared to the rest of the mini-games.
Chocobo racing is similar to Mario Cart with the same boost mechanics. It’s way more here than the original Final Fantasy 7. It is good to see that the developers have gotten even more into this aspect of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Compared to the Remake the content is really rich.
In terms of combat, it introduces a few new mechanics to mix things up. A new party experience gauge separates you from your individual character level. As you earn points, you have to spend these points on a menu called the Folio. It allows you to upgrade your character and unlock new synergy moves and powerful abilities that can only be charged using individual characters in battle.
It is a good way to encourage switching characters mid-fight. You have to use this stuff because the game can get really tough at times. Especially against some main bosses. There is the element of difficulty scaling in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. It is kind of contradictory since the original was easy.
Some difficulty spikes will feel like they came out of nowhere. These difficulty spikes will take you by surprise and can be a negative aspect for the player, I know it was for me. You will be running around and suddenly a difficult encounter will start that will throw you off course. These encounters won’t necessarily be with a boss as they can occur with a random group of enemies as well. It feels odd or maybe I am bad at them since I don’t do well with souls-like games or challenging games in general.
Use All You Have
Combat is challenging and Tactical, if you are losing then it can be hard to turn the tide. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth wants you to keep using your magic and abilities. Just going in and pressing a random button is not going to do well for you. The Access spell holds more importance here compared to the previous game. A lot of tougher enemies and bosses have tricks to them. Use certain attacks to make them vulnerable to more attacks. You will never be able to guess these attacks on your own with Tactical mode. Using these weaknesses against enemies is the key to winning.
Battle System is as good as the original but new moves, party members, and Materia keep it from remaining boring. The game takes a lot of time to get through. The combat just does not feel boring which is one of its major positive aspects. The game is massive and improves upon all that made first a great package. It looks good and the way it handles character is on the spot.
Verdict (Is Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Worth It?)
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a good continuation of this new Final Fantasy 7 series that is adapting to the original. Despite being a three-part adaptation, the developers have managed to vow people with all that the game has to offer. It does a lot of things better which makes up for a good experience. There are some repeatable activities but the overall greatness of the games can easily overshadow them. The sheer scale of the game is enough to keep people intrigued for a long while.
The changes to the story put a new twist to the tale. Final Fantasy VII Remake introduced some new elements to the story and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth continues that. Some of the changes could be controversial. There is a good balance between the classic story and the new tales added. The scale of it might be an issue for some players but it is one hell of a ride.
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